
In the Qualifications module, you can qualify adjusters and contractors to receive assignments via XactAnalysis®. You can also edit their settings, add notifications, and perform a number of other actions.

The screen shots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Access Qualifications

Qualify adjusters and contractors

Edit adjuster and contractor settings

Edit the adjuster/contractor address

Adjust qualification status

Adjust job type and size

View user information

View Xactimate profiles

Add unique identifiers

Add employee number

Adjust business unit

Adjust home area

Adjust assignment capacity

Add adjuster/contractor notifications

Send a test notification

Define adjuster/contractor service area

Edit Contact Methods

Perform other actions

Show associated users

Copy qualifications to other data sets

Copy qualifications to associated XactNet addresses


Related: Hierarchy, Organisation Hierarchy, FAQ > Administration Questions, XactNet Address Book

Access Qualifications

Select Qualifications from the Administration menu.

  • You must have the Qualifications application right to access Qualifications. See User Administration for information about adding rights.
Select Qualifications

Qualify adjusters and contractors

When you qualify an adjuster or contractor for a data set, the adjuster or contractor can be assigned assignments in that data set. Insurer employees can be qualified for individual data sets within their organisations, but independent adjusters can't; they are qualified at the organisation level. If an adjuster/contractor is not qualified, they don't appear on assignment smartlists. See Adjuster/Contractor Rotation for more information about setting up an automatic adjuster/contractor rotation in smartlists.

If your organisation has multiple data sets, select the data set in which the adjuster or contractor will work (see image below).

  • XactAnalysis can be configured to allow independent adjusters to be qualified for individual data sets. However, if this preference is set, the independent adjuster employee qualified for an insurer data set will see the XactNet addresses for the insurer’s qualified adjusters in addition to his/her own organisation’s addresses when sending an assignment.

Enter the adjuster or contractor’s XactNet address or partial address in the XactNet Address field, and click Search.

If you entered the correct address, the Qualifications page appears. If there is more than one result, select from the list that appears.

  • If you do not know the XactNet address, select Browse Address Book. The XactNet Address Book appears, where you can filter XactNet addresses and browse the results.

On the Qualifications page, click Qualify Adjuster/Contractor. If you receive a message stating that the XactNet address does not have the necessary profile installed, contact your product specialist or account manager to add the profile to your key code.

Replace an existing qualified XactNet address with another XactNet address

Click Replace an existing qualified XactNet Address. A dialogue box appears.

Select the XactNet Address you wish to replace. A confirmation dialogue box appears.

Click OK.

  • The replaced XactNet address will no longer be valid.

Copy qualifications from another qualified XactNet address

Click Copy from existing qualified XactNet Address. A dialogue box appears.

Select the address you want to copy. A confirmation dialogue box appears.

Click OK.

  • The copied address remains valid.

Edit adjuster and contractor settings

After you qualify the adjuster or contractor, you can add or edit information specific to that individual, including:

Adjuster/contractor address

Qualification status

Job type and size

User info

Xactimate profiles

Unique identifiers

Employee number

Business Unit

Assignment capacity

Adjuster/contractor notifications

Service areas

  • The sections that appear on the Qualifications page are configurable. Please speak to your product specialist or account manager to add or remove sections.
  • XactAnalysis accommodates both traditional XactNet addresses and User@ XactNet addresses. Some sections on the Qualifications page function differently for User@ XactNet addresses.

Edit the adjuster/contractor address

Click Edit in the Adjuster/Contractor Address section.

Edit the address fields that appear.

Click Edit Contact Methods to edit the contact methods associated with this adjuster or contractor. See Edit Contact Methods for more information.

Click Update.

Click Add to Personal Address Book to add the adjuster or contractor to your personal address book.

  • When viewing a User@ XactNet address, the Adjuster/Contractor Address section is highlighted in blue. Modifying this section will change the adjuster or contractor address for every user that shares this XactNet address.

Adjust qualification status

You can select Adjusters or contractors according to how qualified they are to handle various types of claims by selecting a tier. These tiers carry over to adjuster or contractor rotation. This allows you to assign claims to your more qualified adjusters or contractors until they hit their weekly or monthly capacities. 

Select or clear the appropriate check boxes in the Qualification Status section. If you check a Disqualify box, a field appears where you can enter a reason for the disqualification.

Select a tier from the Assignee Tier menu.  

Click Update.

Adjust job type and size

When you assign an adjuster or contractor job types and sizes, they are restricted to assignments with those types and sizes only.

Select or clear the appropriate check boxes in the Job Type and Size section.

Click Update.

Click Copy to Other Data Sets to copy the job type and size selections to other data sets.

View user information

The User Info section only appears when viewing a User@ XactNet address. This section displays the name and contact information for the individual user. This is different than the Adjuster/Contractor Address, which is the same for all users of that XactNet address.

View Xactimate profiles

The Xactimate Profiles section displays the Xactimate profiles and versions installed by the adjuster or contractor.

  • When viewing a User@ XactNet address, the Xactimate Profiles section is highlighted in blue. The information in this section is identical for all users that share this XactNet address.

Add unique identifiers

Unique identifiers serve as an additional method for identifying adjusters and contractors.

Click Add Unique Identifiers in the Unique Identifiers section.

Enter a unique identifier in the field that appears. Add another unique identifier by clicking Add Unique Identifiers again.

Click Update.

Add employee number

Employee numbers serve as an additional method for identifying adjusters and contractors.

Enter the employee number in the Employee Number section, and click Update.

  • When viewing a User@ XactNet address, the Employee Number section is highlighted in blue. Modifying this section will change the employee number for every user that shares this XactNet address.

Adjust business unit

When you assign business units to an adjuster or contractor, they are restricted to only assignments with those business units.

Click Edit in the Business Unit area.

In the dialogue box that appears, select or clear the appropriate check boxes.

Click Save.

Adjust home area

Adjusters and contractors can be assigned home areas, or geographic areas in which they normally work. Their work can then by tracked based on proximity to these areas.

Click Add in the Home Area section.

In the dialogue box that appears, select a country and county from the menus to see the postal codes for that county.

Select the appropriate postal codes, and click Continue.

Add home areas

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Assign.

To remove postal codes from the home area, select the postal codes in the Home Area dialogue box, and click Remove.

Adjust assignment capacity

The Capacity table shows the adjuster or contractor’s weekly and monthly assignment capacity and number of in-progress assignments. When a claim is being assigned, adjusters and contractors who have reached or exceeded their assignment capacity appear at the bottom of the Adjuster/Contractor SmartList (or selection list).

Click Edit in the Capacity section.

Enter appropriate capacity figures in the fields.

Click Save.

Add adjuster/contractor notifications

When adding notifications, you are instructing XactAnalysis to notify adjusters and contractors when assignments are sent to them, action items are created for them, or flooring analysis is returned.

Click Add New Notification in the Adjuster/Contractor Notification section. A row of menus appear. Select the appropriate descriptor in each menu.

Select the type of notification:


To notify individuals when assignments are sent to them.

Action Item

To notify individuals when action items are created for them.

Flooring Analysis

To notify individuals when flooring analysis data is returned.

Select the assignor (or data set) to which this notification rule applies.

Select the hours of the day the adjuster or contractor can receive notification. Leave the default of 00:00 to 00:00 to indicate any time of day.

Select the appropriate time zone for the adjuster or contractor.

Select a language for the notification email.

Select the days of the week the adjuster or contractor can receive notification. Selected days are highlighted in blue.

Select the level of assignment priority needed to trigger a notification:

Emergency Assignments

To notify individuals when emergency assignments are sent to them.

Normal Assignments

To notify individuals when normal assignments are sent to them.

All Assignments

To notify individuals when all assignment types, both emergency and normal, are sent to them.

Select the peril to which this notification rule applies.

Select the contact method. To edit the available contact methods, click Edit List. See Edit Contact Methods for more information.

  • Contact methods highlighted in red have not been verified. Send a test notification to verify the contact method. See Send a test notification for more information.

Click Save. The new notification rule appears in the Adjuster/Contractor Notifications section.

Send a test notification

Click Send a Test Notification in the Adjuster/Contractor Notifications section. The Send Test Notification dialogue box appears.

Select a contact method from the drop-down menu.

Click Send Notification.

A confirmation dialogue box appears and a notification is sent via the selected contact method. Click Back to send another test notification.

Define adjuster/contractor service area

An adjuster or contractor’s service area is the geographic areas where that individual can perform work. Adjusters and contractors cannot be assigned claims located outside their service areas.

  • The geographic hierarchy shown in the instructions below may not reflect your company’s geographic hierarchy. When setting up service areas for an adjuster or contractor, use your company’s unique geographic hierarchy.

To define an adjuster or contractor’s service area, click Edit in the Service Areas section. The Define Service Area page appears.

Assign postcodes in a region to a service area

Click Assign next to the region name in the Regions menu.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Assign. The postcodes included in the region appear in the Postcodes field.

To assign all postcodes in a program location to an adjuster or contractor’s service area

Click a region name in the Regions menu. An Office Levels menu appears in place of the Regions menu.

Click Assign next to the office level name.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Assign. The postcodes included in the office level appear in the Postcodes field.

Assign a single postcode to an adjuster or contractor’s service area:

Click an office level name in the Office Levels menu. A Postcode menu appears in place of the Office Levels menu.

Click Assign next to the postcode.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Assign. The postcodes appear in the Postcodes field.

Assign postcodes in a country or county to an adjuster or contractor’s service area

Click Country and Region in the Assign Postcodes section.

In the dialogue box that appears, select a country or county in the respective menus.

Select the appropriate postcodes in the postcodes menu, and click Continue.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Assign. The postcodes appear in the Postcodes field.

  • To remove postcodes from an adjuster or contractor's service area, select the codes in the Postcodes field, and click Remove Selected Postcodes.

Assign countries/regions to service area

To assign countries/regions to an adjuster or contractor's service area, select the appropriate countries/regions from the Country/Region menu in the Assign Countries/Regions section, and click Add (see image above). The countries/regions appear in the Countries/Regions field below the Postcodes field.

To assign countries, select the appropriate countries from the Country menu in the Assign Countries/Regions section, and click Add (see image above). The countries appear in the Countries field below the Postcodes field.

To go back to the Adjusters/Contractors page, select Adjusters/Contractors in the breadcrumb trail at the top left of the page. XactAnalysis automatically saves any changes to the service areas. The service area changes appear in the Service Area Map and Service Area menu.

Edit Contact Methods

When you click Edit Contact Methods in the Adjusters/Contractors Address section or Edit List in the Contact Methods column in the Adjuster/Contractor Notifications section, a dialogue box appears with a list of contact methods.

Add a contact

Click Add. A form appears.

Select the method Type:


Text (SMS)

Xactimate - notifications upload when adjusters/contractors connect in Xactimate

  • You can select Business Email, Mobile, or Office for personal reference only.

Enter the contact information in the provided fields.

Click Save. The contact is added to the list.

Edit a contact

Click the Edit icon to the right of the contact information in the list. The form appears.

Change the contact information as desired.

Click Save. The contact information is updated in the list.

Stop and restart Text (SMS) notifications

When you create a Text (SMS) notification, recipients can choose to stop receiving the text messages by replying "stop". When this happens, "(STOPPED)" appears next to the contact method.

To restart notifications for the recipient, do the following:

Click the Edit icon for the contact method.

Select Yes next to "Would you like to re-enable?"

Click Save.

Delete a contact

Click the delete icon to the far right of the contact information in the list.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click OK.

  • To delete a contact method that is "In Use", you first need to delete any notifications that use it from the Adjuster/Contractor Notifications section.

Perform other actions

After you have accessed the Adjusters/Contractors page for a specific XactNet address or User@ XactNet address, you can perform the following actions on other XactNet addresses or User@ XactNet addresses:

Show all associated users

Copy qualifications for this address to other data sets

Copy qualifications for this address to other associated XactNet addresses

Show associated users

To show all users associated with the XactNet address, click Show Users. This displays the primary XactNet address, as well as any associated User@ XactNet addresses. You can search for a specific associated user by using the search features.

Click a user to view their Adjusters/Contractors page.

Copy qualifications to other data sets

Click Copy to Other Data Sets. A dialogue box appears.

Select the check box for each type of qualification you want to copy.

Select the check box for each data set you want to copy the qualifications to.

Click Copy. The qualifications for the XactNet address, including service areas and job type and size, are copied to the selected data sets and the XactNet address can now receive assignments from those data sets.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click Close.

Copy qualifications to associated XactNet addresses

If viewing a User@ XactNet address or a traditional XactNet address that has associated users, you can copy qualifications to other associated users.

Click Copy Qualifications to Other XactNet Address(es). The XactNet Address Users dialogue box appears. This displays up to 100 associated users.

If necessary, use the search filters to narrow the displayed results.

Select the check box for each XactNet address you want to copy qualifications to.

Click Apply qualification to selected. To apply qualifications to all users associated with the XactNet address, click Apply qualification to all.

The qualifications for the XactNet address, including service areas and job type and size, are copied to the selected XactNet addresses.

A confirmation dialogue box appears. Click OK.



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