User Rights

User rights give users access to specific areas of XactAnalysis. A new user cannot log in to XactAnalysis until their user rights have been set up in the Edit User page in User Administration. There are three types of user rights: Data Set / Hierarchy Rights, Organisation Rights, and Application Rights.

  • You must have the User Admin application right to access User Administration and edit users’ rights. You cannot give other users access to an application right that you do not have access to.

Data Set / Hierarchy Rights

Organisation Rights

Application Rights

Company-Specific Rights

Management Dashboards Rights

Data Set / Hierarchy Rights

Data sets help your company organise and manage estimates. You can assign users to entire data sets or limit them to a geographic hierarchy level within a data set. Users must have Data Set / Hierarchy rights before they can be assigned Application rights.

Organisation Rights

To further limit a user’s rights to data in a specific office level, you can assign Organisation rights. Organisation rights are based on your company’s Organisation Hierarchy and appear below Data Set / Hierarchy rights in the Edit User page. To enable Organisation rights for your company, contact your product specialist or account manager.  

Application Rights

After Data Set / Hierarchy rights are assigned, managers can assign application rights to users. Application rights give users access to specific areas of XactAnalysis based on the data sets they have rights to.

For example, if a user has rights to the Safe Haven DRP data set and also has the Run Management Reports application right, she can run management information reports for the Safe Haven DRP data set only. She cannot run a report for another data set until she is granted rights to that data set.

XactAnalysis Rights

Assignment Status Batch Update

Users with this right can access and use the Assignment Workflow Status Batch Update tool to automatically update a workflow status on batches of assignments submitted to XactAnalysis.

Cancel Assignments

Users with this right can cancel assignments via the Select an Action drop-down menu or the Details page.

Collaboration Admin

This application right only appears if your company uses Collaboration. Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Manage collaborators.

Assign collaborators to an assignment.

See the name of any collaborators assigned to a claim.

  • Users with this right cannot collaborate on an assignment (they need the Collaborator right to be added to the list of collaborators).


This application right only appears if your company uses Collaboration. With this right selected, Collaboration XactNet Addresses appears on the left side of the User Administration-Edit User page. Users with this right receive the following attributes:

Are identified as collaboration recipients and their XactNet addresses can be set up to receive collaborations.

Can collaborate on assignments.

  • Users with this right cannot view the current status of the collaboration (they must also have the Run XactAnalysis application right to view the current collaboration status and to filter the collaboration status in Advanced Search).

Company Admin

Users with this right can access Company Admin and update user information for users within their company.

Custom Reporting Groups—Adjusters

Users with this right can access Custom Groups and create groups of adjusters for Management Information reporting and for Payment Queue rules (if your company uses the Payment Queue).

Custom Reporting Groups—Contractors

Users with this right can access Custom Groups and create groups of contractors for Management Information reporting and for Payment Queue rules (if your company uses the Payment Queue).

Desk Adjuster

This application right only appears if your company uses Desk Adjuster. Users with this right receive the following attributes:

Are identified as desk adjusters (their names appear in the Select a Desk Adjuster window).

Can see their own names if they are the assigned desk adjuster in an assignments’ Details tab.

Cannot see other desk adjusters’ names.

Desk Adjuster Administrator

This application right only appears if your company uses Desk Adjuster. Users with this right receive the following attributes:

Are identified as desk adjuster administrators (can manage desk adjusters).

Can Assign and Reassign desk adjusters to an assignment.

Can see the name of any desk adjuster assigned on an assignment.

Cannot be assigned to a claim as a desk adjuster (they must have the Desk Adjuster right to be added to the Desk Adjuster list).

Edit Action Items

Users with this right can edit Action Items.

ERQ Reviewer Rotation

This application right only appears if your company uses the Estimate Review Queue. Users with this right can do the following:

View the Set Reviewer Rotation link in Estimate Review Queue.

Select or de-select reviewers that are automatically rotated and assigned to queue assignments.

Select which queue rules trigger the reviewer rotation.

For more information, see Set Reviewer Rotation.

Estimate Review Administrator

This application right only appears if your company uses the Estimate Review Queue. Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Manage the Review Queue Rules.

See all claims that are in the Estimate Review Queue and as well as their review statuses.

Assign a reviewer to an estimate.

  • Users with this right cannot review claims (they must have the Estimate Reviewer right to be added to the list of reviewers).

Estimate Reviewer

This application right only appears if your company uses the Estimate Review Queue. A user with this right can perform the following tasks:

Can be assigned to review a claim (they are added to the list of reviewers in the Select a Reviewer window).

See all estimates that are assigned to them.

Accept and complete estimate reviews.

Is the only person that can update the Estimate Review status on an estimate assigned to them.

  • A user with this right cannot assign a reviewer to an estimate (they must have the Estimate Review Administrator right to assign reviewers).

Licence Admin

This application right enables users to use Licence Admin to view or modify Xactimate® licences. As this is a powerful tool regarding Xactimate licences, we highly recommend limiting the number of XactAnalysis users who have rights to this tool.

Payment Administrator

This application right only appears if your company uses the Payment Queue. Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Assign a processor to a claim.

See all the estimates in the Payment Queue and their payment statuses.

Payment Processor

This application right only appears if your company uses the Payment Queue. Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Can be assigned as a payment processor on a claim.

See all estimates in the Payment Queue that are assigned to them.

Update the payment status on estimates assigned to them (no other user can update the payment status of claims assigned other users).

Personal Rules

Users with this right can access Personal Rules and set up notifications to inform themselves when events occur within a specified data set and category.

Request Roofing Measurements

Users with this right can export assignments to third-party roofing measurement companies.

Run XactAnalysis

Users with this right can access claim data and the following areas of XactAnalysis:

Advanced Search

Assignment Detail

XactAnalysis Assignment Queue

Assignment Queue Search Results

Real Time Management Reports

Industry Trend Reports

Assignment Volume

User Information

XactNet Address Book

Personal Address Book

Coverage Areas

Personal Rules

User Search Column Admin


Send Work Assignments

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access Send Work Assignment.

Create assignments and send them to a specific adjuster or contractor or to the assignment queue.

Assign and reassign assignments.

  • Without this right, you cannot create, assign, or reassign assignments.


This right adds the user's name as an option when you assign a surveyor to an assignment.

View User Information

Users with this right can view user information.


XactAnalysis Administration Rights

Change Passwords Only

Users with this right can complete the following tasks:

See all users.

Change a password for another XactAnalysis user.

  • Users with this right cannot access User Administration and change user rights.

Column Admin

Users with this right can use Column Admin to add or edit column sets for Advanced Search Results and the Estimate Review Queue.


Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access the Adjusters/Contractors area.

View and edit recipient qualifications.

Set up qualifications for adjusters and contractors with a specific XactNet Address to receive assignments.

Add or edit the recipients’ notification methods, service areas, unique identifiers, job type and size, and qualification status.

See the recipients’ address and Xactimate profiles that are installed.


Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Edit the geographic and organisation hierarchies and view the coverage areas of your company.

Create new locations.

Edit and delete existing locations.

Manage postcodes at the lowest level of hierarchy.

Price List Admin

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access Price List Admin, a tool that is available to companies that manage their own price lists.

Manage custom price lists and the postcode associated to them.

Upload custom price lists to XactAnalysis.

Assign each price list to postcodes.

Program Rules—Assignment Escalation

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access the Assignment Escalation page in Program Rules.

Create new rules.

Edit and delete existing rules.

See any assignment created in the specific data set and geographic location set up for the rule.

Program Rules—Notification Setup

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access the Notification Setup page in Program Rules. Please note that Program Rules notifications are sent to all users, based on the claim’s data set and geographic location.

Create a notification method that sends an email when a program rule is broken.

Create new notifications.

Edit and delete existing notifications.

User Admin

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access User Administration to manage the setup of users in their company.

Create new users.

Edit and delete existing users.

Set up user rights.

Access User Type Admin and create user type groups with defined data set and hierarchy rights, user roles, and company-specific rights.

User Roles Admin

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Access User Roles Admin.

Create user roles groups with defined application rights.

Add users to those groups.

XactAnalysis Activity Reports

Users with this right can use the activity reports and report filters. They can also use the Report Library to view existing activity reports.

  • To create and view graphical, trend, and text reports, users need the Run Management Reports right.

XactAnalysis Management Report Access Log

Users with this right can use the Report Access Log.

XactAnalysis Preferences

XactAnalysis has several preferences (customisable features) that can be applied across the entire application. Users with this right can use the XactAnalysis Preferences page to manage the preferences for a data set. Changes made to the preferences will affect all users with access to the data set where changes were made.


Claim View Rights

Add/Remove Claim Assignments

This right allows users to add or remove assignments from claim files.

Create Claim Files

This right allows users to create new claim files.

Edit Claim File Data

This right allows users to edit claim file information.


XactAnalysis Management Reports Rights

Run Management Reports

Users with this right can perform the following tasks:

Create new graphical, trend, and text management reports.

View reports and drill down to estimate level data.

Run reports against industry data and include industry rankings.

  • To use Activity Reports, users need the XactAnalysis Activity Reports right.

Company-Specific Rights

Company-Specific rights allow managers to assign rights to users for only specific data sets. The rights may vary from company to company.

Start Video Collaboration

Users with this right are able to initiate video chat sessions with customers in XactAnalysis. The customers are able to join the video chat on their mobile devices via the ClaimXperience mobile app. See Video Collaboration for more information.

Management Dashboards Rights

Management Dashboards rights grant access to custom reports for your company.

Custom Reports

Users with this right can view and run custom reports and management dashboards.




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