Program Rule notifications

The Program Rules module allows you to set up notifications to inform you of issues with service providers and internal programs. In the Assignment Escalation tab, you set up notifications for assignment escalation issues; and in Notification Setup, you determine exactly who should be notified regarding these issues. You can set up multiple employees to be notified for any location, and you can set up any employee to receive notifications for multiple locations.

When working with program rules, remember that the assignor is the creator of the assignment (the insurer, in most cases), and the assignee is the recipient of the assignment (the service provider).

The screen shots in this document are generic, and your company’s interface may vary.

Access Program Rules

Assignment Escalation

Automated Alert

Hierarchy Location

Notification Setup

Notification Recipient

Hierarchy Location


Related: Personal Rules, FAQ > Administration Questions, Getting Started

Access Program Rules

Select Program Rules from the Administration menu.

  • You must have the application rights for Program Rules—Assignment Escalation and Program Rules—Notification Setup to access all areas of Program Rules. See User Administration for information about adding rights.

The Program Rules page appears.

Assignment Escalation

Assignment Escalation helps you handle assignments that are not promptly taken care of by the selected service provider. If this situation occurs, you can set up XactAnalysis to notify you, rotate the assignment to the next service provider, or both. Assignment Escalation simply allows XactAnalysis to escalate an assignment to the next service provider or back to you. 

Click the Assignment Escalation tab on the Program Rules page.

From here you can add, edit, and delete rules regarding assignment escalation.

To delete a rule, click the Delete icon next to the rule you wish to delete. Your rule is removed from the Assignment Escalation page.

To edit a rule, click the Edit icon next to the rule you wish to edit. Change the form criteria and click OK.

Add a new rule

Click Add new rule at the top of the page. The Add Escalation Rule dialogue box appears.

Complete the form as follows:


Data Set

Select the data set for which you want the rule to apply.


Select the assignment priority for which you want the rule to apply: All, Emergency, or Normal.


Select the type of assignment for which you want the rule to apply: All, Catastrophe, or Non-Catastrophe.

Business Unit

Select a business unit for which you want the rule to apply. Business units vary from company to company.

When elapsed time between, and

Select two events for which you want actions taken if the elapsed time between them exceeds the time limit you specify. See Statuses for event definitions.


Specify an amount of time in calendar or business days, hours, and minutes.

Then take the following action

Select the check boxes for the actions that should occur after the specified time elapses:

Notify us 

This option sends email notifications to the people you specify in Notification Setup.

Notify assignee 

This option sends an email notification to the assignee. It also automatically creates an action item in the assignment.

Notify the following email addresses 

This option enables the Email Addresses field and allows you to enter multiple addresses separated by commas.

Notify users in the Notification Centre 

This option sends notifications within XactAnalysis via the Notification Centre.

Send reminder to assignee every 30 days

This option sends a reminder email to the assignee every 30 days.

Remove Assignment from Review Queue

This option removes the assignment from the Review Queue after the specified time elapses.

Mark assignment as Reviewed

This option automatically marks assignments as Reviewed if they exceed a specified limit. When this check box is selected, you can also select a Notify assignee of review completion check box to notify the assignee whent he rule is triggered. 

Cancel Assignment

This option cancels the assignment after the specified time elapses.

  • Actions that do not apply to the selected events are grayed out and you can not select them.
Notify the following email addresses

If you selected this check box, type in the email addresses where you want XactAnalysis notifications to be sent. Separate multiple addresses with a comma or semi-colon. Click the Personal Address Book icon to select addresses from your personal address book.

Desk Adjuster

If the time elapses between your two events, and the desk adjuster you specify here is assigned, then the notification is sent. Click the SmartList button to search for a name.


Hierarchy Type

Select the hierarchy type for the assignments to which you want the rule to apply: Geographic, Organisational, Individual, or Custom Group.


Appears when the Geographic hierarchy type is selected. Click the SmartList button to select an area.

Org Levels

Appears when the Organisational hierarchy type is selected. Click the SmartList button to select an Organisational Level. 


Appears when the Individual hierarchy type is selected. To select the adjuster or contractor for whom you want the rule to apply, start typing their name or XactNet address and select from the list that appears. 

When you have completed the form, click OK. Your new rule appears in the Assignment Escalation page.

  • To define who should be notified regarding assignment escalation issues, go to Notification Setup.

Notification Setup

In Notification Setup, you determine exactly who should be notified regarding assignment escalation issues. Notification is handled by location; i.e., notifications for all service providers in a specific location go to the employee you set up to handle these notifications. You can set up multiple employees to be notified for any location, and you can set up any employee to receive notifications for multiple locations.

To access, click the Notification Setup tab in the Program Rules page. The Notification Setup page appears.

To delete a rule, click the Delete icon next to the rule you wish to delete. Your rule is removed from the Assignment Escalation page.

To edit a rule, click the Edit icon next to the rule you wish to edit. Change the form criteria and click OK.

Add a rule

Click Add new rule. The Add Notification Rule dialogue box appears.

Complete the Add Notification Rule form as follows:



Enter the recipient’s name.

Email Address

Enter the recipient’s email address.

This is a mobile device

Select this check box to send the recipient notifications by text message.



Select the sender of the notification.

Data Set

Select a data set.

Hierarchy Type

Select a hierarchy type.


Appears when the Geographic hierarchy type is selected. Click the SmartList button to select one or more areas.  The recipient will be notified of escalated assignment issues in the areas you select.

Org Levels

Appears when the Organisational hierarchy type is selected. Use the SmartList button to select organisational levels. 


Appears when the Individual hierarchy type is selected. Start typing the name or XactNet address of an adjuster or contractor and a list appears for you to select from. The recipient will be notified of escalated assignment issues regarding the named adjuster or contractor.

When you have completed the Add Notification Rule form, click OK. Your new rule appears in the Notification Setup page.



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