
Statuses mark an assignment’s progress and provide benchmarks you can use in assignment searches, personal and program rule notifications, and management information reporting. In XactAnalysis®, statuses are either assigned by default at certain milestones (for example, when the assignment is sent to the contractor) or they are assigned by whomever is currently working on the assignment such as the adjuster, contractor, reviewer, or processor. 

Statuses can be used as filters in Search and the various queues (such as the Estimate Review Queue, Assignment Queue®, and Payment Queue). They display on the assignment detail page so XactAnalysis users can track assignment activity at every step of the estimate process. Many of these statuses can also be set up as triggers for Personal Rules and Program Rules, as well as data exports. Some statuses that appear in multiple areas of XactAnalysis have slightly different names from area to area.

Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnlaysis are highly customisable. The definitions listed below may not be accurate for your company. Talk to your account administrator if you aren't sure what a status means for you. To add or remove statuses marked with an asterisk (*), please contact your Xactware account manager or product specialist.  


Related: Advanced Search, Assignment Detail, Program Rules, Personal Rules

XactAnalysis statuses

XactAnalysis Statuses highlight actions taken in XactAnlaysis. These statuses can be seen in the Detail Summary, the Details tab, and Advanced Search. They can also be set up as triggers for Personal Rules and Program Rules.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

*Assignment Entered Queue

Details tab

The date and time the assignment enters the Assignment Queue.

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment enters the queue.

*In Queue

Advanced Search, Detail Summary

The assignment is in the Assignment Queue waiting to be assigned to an assignee (Xactimate® user).

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment enters the queue.

*In Assign Queue

Estimate Review Queue Rules

The assignment is in the Assignment Queue waiting to be assigned to an assignee (Xactimate user).

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment enters the queue.

*Entered Assignment Queue

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The assignment is in the Assignment Queue waiting to be assigned to an assignee (Xactimate user).

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment enters the queue.

*Assigned From Queue

Search, Assignment Tracking Personal Rule

The assignment in the queue is assigned to an assignee (Xactimate user) and leaves the Assignment Queue.

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment leaves the queue.

*Assigned Out of Assignment Queue

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The assignment in the queue is assigned to an assignee (Xactimate user) and leaves the Assignment Queue.

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab when the assignment leaves the queue.

Assignment Received

Details tab

The date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or assigned to an adjusterassessor or contractorbuilder. If the assignment was sent to the Assignment Queue first, the Received date is updated when it is assigned to an adjusterassessor or contractorbuilder. After being assigned the first time, the Received date is no longer updated (the Reassignment, Referral, or Collaboration statuses are used instead).

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the assignment first enters the Assignment Queue or when it is first sent to an adjuster or contractor.


Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or assigned to an adjusterassessor or contractorbuilder. If the assignment was sent to the Assignment Queue first, the Received date is updated when it is assigned to an adjusterassessor or contractorbuilder. After being assigned the first time, the Received date is no longer updated (the Reassignment, Referral, or Collaboration statuses are used instead).

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the assignment first enters the Assignment Queue or when it is first sent to an adjuster or contractor.

Estimate Received

Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date the assignment was first received into the Assignment Queue or assigned to an adjuster or contractor. If the assignment was sent to the Assignment Queue first, the Received date is updated when it is assigned to an adjuster or contractor. After being assigned the first time, the Received date is no longer updated (the Reassignment, Referral, or Collaboration statuses are used instead).

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the assignment first enters the Assignment Queue or when it is first sent to an adjuster or contractor.

Notify Pending

Detail Summary   

The assignment is assigned to an assignee (Xactimate user) and the assignee is not yet notified. This status appears in the Detail Summary when the assignment has been assigned (Received). The name and email address of the person who assigned it appears below this status.

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Detail Summary when the assignment is assigned.

Note Added in XactAnalysis SP

Elapsed Time Rules

An adjuster or contractor hasn't added a note to an assignment by a specified time.

You can schedule this notification in Elapsed Time Rules.

Contractor Notified

Details tab

The date and time the assignment’s assignee (Xactimate user) is notified.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignee is notified.


Search, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the assignment’s assignee (Xactimate user) is notified.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignee is notified.

Claim Rep Notified

Assignment Tracking Personal Rule

The date and time the assignment’s assignee (Xactimate user) is notified.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignee is notified.

Notification Sent

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The date and time the assignment’s assignee (Xactimate user) is notified.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignee is notified.

Assignment Delivered

Details tab, Assignment Tracking Personal Rule

The date and time the assignment is downloaded to Xactimate by the assignee. 

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignment is downloaded in Xactimate.


Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the assignment is downloaded to Xactimate by the assignee. 

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the assignment is downloaded in Xactimate.

In-Progress Estimate Returned to XactNet

Details tab  

The date and time the recipient (Xactimate user) returns the estimate to XactAnalysis before it is complete. 

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when an incomplete assignment is returned.

*First Report Uploaded

Details tab   

The date and time the first report is uploaded to XactAnalysis from Xactimate. 

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically when the first report is uploaded from Xactimate.

Returned Pending

Detail Summary, Search  

The completed estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis from Xactimate and is waiting to be exported to the insurer. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically.


Detail Summary, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the completed estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis from Xactimate.

XactAnalysis updates this event automatically.

First Estimate Upload > £0

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The completed estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis from Xactimate. This is updated automatically and appears in the Detail Summary.

You can schedule this notification in Elapsed Time Rules.

Estimate Returned to XactAnalysis

Details tab

The date and time the estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis from Xactimate.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically every time the Xactimate estimate is returned to XactAnalysis.

*Estimate Returned to Insurer

Details tab  

The date and time the estimate is returned to the insurer.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically every time the Xactimate estimate is returned.


Detail Summary, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The date and time the corrected estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when a corrected estimate is uploaded from Xactimate.

Corrected Estimate Uploaded

Assignment Tracking Personal Rule

The date and time the corrected estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when a corrected estimate is uploaded from Xactimate.

Correction Returned to XactAnalysis

Details tab

The date and time the corrected estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when a corrected estimate is uploaded from Xactimate.

Correction Received

Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the corrected estimate is uploaded to XactAnalysis.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when a corrected estimate is uploaded from Xactimate.


Detail Summary, Search, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The assignment is cancelled in XactAnalysis or via EDI by the carrierinsurer. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

You cancel an assignment by selecting Cancel in the Assignment Detail Select an Action drop-down menu.

Assignment Cancelled

Assignment Tracking Personal Rule

The assignment is cancelled in XactAnalysis or via EDI by the insurer. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

You cancel an assignment by selecting Cancel in the Assignment Detail Select an Action drop-down menu.

Cancellation Received

Details tab

The date and time XactAnalysis receives a cancellation for the assignment. 

XactAnalysis updates this status after you cancel an assignment.

Adjuster/Contractor Notified of Cancellation

Details tab

The date and time the assignee is notified of the cancelled assignment. 

XactAnalysis updates this status after when the assignee is notified that the assignment is canceled.


Detail Summary, Search

The date and time the assignment is rejected or deleted by an assignee (Xactimate user) in Xactimate. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically after the assignee rejects or deletes the assignment in Xactimate.

Assignment Rejected

Details tab, Assignment Tracking Personal Rule  

The date and time the assignment is rejected or deleted by an assignee (Xactimate user) in Xactimate. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically after the assignee rejects or deletes the assignment in Xactimate.

Rejected by Recipient

Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the assignment is rejected or deleted by an assignee (Xactimate user) in Xactimate. This status appears in the Detail Summary.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically after the assignee rejects or deletes the assignment in Xactimate.

*Roof Measurement Analysis Sent

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Search (Third Party filter), Detail Summary

A roof measurement is sent to a roof measurement provider.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the roof measurement analysis is first requested from a measurement provider.

*Roof Measurement Analysis Completed

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Search (Third Party filter), Detail Summary

A roof measurement is completed and returned from a roof measurement provider.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the roof measurement analysis is returned by a roof measurement provider. 

Job Completed excludes Not Proceeding

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The assignment is not marked Work Not Proceeding and is marked Complete. You can exclude this type of assignment from notifications in Program Rules and Elapsed Time Rules by selecting this status.

You can schedule this notification in Elapsed Time Rules.


File statuses

XactAnalysis tracks assignments as having been opened, reopened, and closed.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update


Details tab

The assignment is created or received in XactAnalysis via EDI and is not yet marked Closed. 

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab.

File Open


The assignment is created or received in XactAnalysis via EDI and is not yet marked Closed. 

XactAnalysis updates this status in the Details tab.


Details tab

The assignment, previously marked File Closed in XactAnalysis, is subsequently marked back to File Reopened in the Details tab. A file may be reopened if something needs to be added after the initial completion.

You reopen an assignment using the Assignment Detail Select an Action menu.

File Reopened

Search, Assignment Tracking Personal Rule, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The assignment, previously marked File Closed in XactAnalysis, is subsequently marked back to File Reopened in the Details tab. A file may be reopened if something needs to be added after the initial completion.

You reopen an assignment using the Assignment Detail Select an Action menu.


Details tab

The assignment is marked as closed. 

You close an assignment using the Assignment Detail Select an Action menu, by changing the file status to File Closed in the Details tab, or by sending an assignment update via EDI. You can also ask your product specialist or account manager to set up an internal automatic status update that marks the assignment Closed if it reaches a specified status.

File Closed

Search, Assignment Tracking Personal Rule, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The assignment is marked as closed. 

You close an assignment using the Assignment Detail Select an Action menu, by changing the file status to File Closed in the Details tab, or by sending an assignment update via EDI. You can also ask your product specialist or account manager to set up an internal automatic status update that marks the assignment Closed if it reaches a specified status.


Referral Assignment statuses

For more information about referral assignments see Referral Assignment.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update


Detail Summary, Search

The assignment is referred to another adjuster, contractor, or service provider in Xactimate or XactAnalysis.

You refer an assignment using the Assignment Detail Select an Action drop-down menu.

*Created by Referral

Detail Summary, Search

The date and time an assignment is created by a referral rather than through Send Work Assignment. This status appears in the Detail Summary of the new assignment.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the original assignment is referred to another assignee.


Reassignment statuses 

These statuses indicate whether or not an assignment was reassigned. For more information see Reassign an Assignment.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update


Detail Summary, Search

The assignment is reassigned to another adjuster, contractor, or data set. 

You reassign an assignment using the Select an Action drop-down menu in Advanced Search Results or Assignment Detail. A copy of the estimate is sent to the new assignee.

*Created by Reassignment

Detail Summary, Search

The new assignment is created by reassignment and sent to the new assignee. This status appears in the Detail Summary of the new assignment.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically when the original assignment is reassigned to another assignee.

*Not Reassigned


The estimate has not been reassigned.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically.


Collaboration statuses 

To use collaborations and view collaboration statuses, you must be set up with the Collaboration application rights in User Administration. For more information, see Estimate Collaboration.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

Never Collaborated


Collaborators were never assigned.

You assign collaborators using the Select an Action menu in the Assignment Details.

Collaboration in Progress


A collaborator is assigned to the assignment. When assigned, the collaboration is In Progress and only the collaborator may do work on the estimate. 

You assign collaborators using the Select an Action menu in the Assignment Details.

In Progress

Details Tab

A collaborator is assigned to the assignment. When assigned, the collaboration is In Progress and only the collaborator may do work on the estimate. 

You assign collaborators using the Select an Action menu in the Assignment Details.

Collaboration Checked Out

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The date and time a collaborator checks out the assignment.

XactAnalysis sets this status automatically when the collaborator checks out the assignment.

Collaboration Checked In

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

A collaborator checks in the assignment after completing their portion of the estimate.

You can schedule this notification in Elapsed Time Rules.

Collaboration Cancelled


The collaboration is cancelled. 

You update this status in the Details tab.


Details Tab

The collaboration is cancelled. 

You update this status in the Details tab.



The collaboration is marked complete.

You update this status in the Details tab.


Details tab

The date and time the collaboration is marked complete. The Details tab also shows the correction amount.

You update this status in the Details tab.


XactContents Collaboration statuses

To use XactContents collaborations and view XactContents collaboration statuses, you must be set up with the Collaboration application rights in User Administration and use XactContents.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update


Details tab, Search

An XactContents collaboration is created. 

You update this status in the Details tab.

Contents Collaboration Accessed

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

A Contents Collaboration page is accessed by the insured.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically. 

Contents Collaboration Initiated

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

A Contents Collaboration page is initiated by the assignee to enable the insured to provide information about personal property loss. 

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically. 

Inventory Received

Details tab, Search

The customer submits the inventory. 

You update this status in the Details tab.

Contents Collaboration Submitted

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The customer submits the inventory.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Info Requested

Details tab, Search

The adjuster requests additional information from the customer.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Contents Collaboration Additional Info Requested

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The adjuster requests additional information from the customer.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Contents Collaboration Additional Info Submitted

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The policyholder submits additional inventory information.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically. 

Info Received

Details tab, Search

The customer submits additional information to the adjuster. 

You update this status in the Details tab.

Receipts Requested

Details tab, Search

The adjuster requests receipts.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Receipts Received

Details tab, Search

The customer submits receipts. 

You update this status in the Details tab.


*Estimate Review Queue statuses 

Review statuses are seen in the Estimate Review Queue, Advanced Search, and Assignment Details under Workflow Status. They can also be set up as triggers for program and personal rules. Estimates with multiple reviewers show statuses for each reviewer (Insurer reviewed or service provider reviewed).

To use these statuses, your company must be set up to use the Estimate Review Queue and you must be set up with the Estimate Review application rights in User Administration.

  • All statuses that appear in the Estimate Review Queue also appear in the Estimate Review Queue—Queue Filter.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

In Queue

Estimate Review Queue filter

The estimate enters or is in the Estimate Review Queue.

XactAnalysis updates this status when the estimate enters the Estimate Review Queue.

In Assign Queue

Estimate Review Queue Rules

The estimate enters or is in the Estimate Review Queue.

You can use this status to set an Estimate Review Queue rule.

Entered Insurer Review Queue

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The estimate entered the Estimate Review Queue.

You can use this status to trigger Program Rules and Elapsed Time Rules.

Not Yet Reviewed

Details tab, Search

The date and time the estimate is uploaded and submitted to the Estimate Review Queue.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically.

Reviewer Assigned

Details tab, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

A reviewer is assigned. 

You assign a reviewer using the Estimate Review Queue Select an Action drop-down menu. XactAnalysis updates the date/time of this event in the Details tab.

Carrier Reviewer Assigned

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

A reviewer is assigned. 

You assign a reviewer using the Estimate Review Queue Select an Action drop-down menu. XactAnalysis updates the date/time of this event in the Details tab.

Review Pending  

Estimate Review Queue filter

A reviewer is assigned, but has not yet updated the review status.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically.

Review Accepted

Details tab, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The reviewer accepts the assigned estimate review. 

The reviewer updates this status in the Details tab.

Review Not Pending

Estimate Review Queue filter

Only for multiple reviewers, if the estimate has been reviewed by one party and is not going to be reviewed by the other party, then the status is Review Not Pending.

The initial reviewer updates this status in the Details tab.


Details tab, Search

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed in the Details tab. This status appears green in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Estimate Review Complete

Detail Summary

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed in the Details tab. This status appears green in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Review Completed

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed in the Details tab. This status appears green in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Insurer Reviewed

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed in the Details tab. This status appears green in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Reviewed with Exceptions

Details tab, Search

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed with Exceptions in the Details tab. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Estimate Review Complete with Exceptions

Detail Summary

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed with Exceptions in the Details tab. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Insurer Reviewed with Exceptions

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed with Exceptions in the Details tab. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Review Completed with Exceptions

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The reviewer marks the estimate as Estimate Reviewed with Exceptions in the Details tab. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

*Estimate Rejected

Detail Summary, Details tab, Search

The reviewer rejected the estimate. This status appears red in the Detail Summary. When enabled, this status replaces Estimate Reviewed With Exceptions.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

*Estimate Not Reviewed

Detail Summary, Details tab, Search

The date and time the estimate is uploaded and submitted to the Estimate Review Queue. This status appears blue in the Detail Summary. When enabled, this status replaces Not Yet Reviewed.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically.

*Estimate Authorised 

Detail Summary, Details tab, Search

The estimate is authorised by a reviewer. This status appears green in the Detail Summary. When enabled, this status replaces Estimate Reviewed.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Estimate Reviewed Pending Client Decision

Detail Summary, Details tab, Search

The estimate is reviewed, but client approval is still needed. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Estimate Authorised Pending Final Validation of Costs

Detail Summary, Details tab, Advanced Search

The estimate is authorised, but a final cost approval is needed. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Estimate Authorised Pending Pre-Start Work 

Detail Summary, Details tab, Advanced Search

The reviewer updates this status in the Details tab. This status appears yellow in the Detail Summary.

Update this status in the Assignment Details.

Documents Received

Estimate Review Queue Rules

A document is uploaded to the assignment in XactAnalysis. This status is also updated when an in-progress assignment in Xactimate is uploaded with documents.

XactAnalysis updates this status automatically.


Workflow statuses

Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnlaysis are highly customisable. The definitions listed below may not be accurate for your company. Talk to your account administrator if you aren't sure what a status means for you. If you would like to add these statuses please contact your product specialist or account manager. For more information about the Details tab see Assignment Detail


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

*Planned Inspection Date

Details tab, Search

An inspection is scheduled.

You can update this status by adding the date the inspection will be performed in the Details tab. 

*Ready for Assignment

Details tab, Search  

The assignment is ready to send to an adjuster/contractor.

XactAnalysis updates this status with information received from Xactimate.

*Attention Needed

Detail Summary, Details tab, Search, Personal Rules—Assignment Tracking 

Additional review is needed.

You update this status in Send Work Assignment or the Details tab.

*Has Appointment


An assignee added the date and time of an appointment to the assignment.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.


Details tab  

The date and time of the scheduled appointment.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

*Doesn’t Have Appointment


An assignee added the date and time of an appointment to the assignment.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.


Details tab  

The date and time of the scheduled appointment.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.



A contacted date and time is added to the assignment.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

Customer Contacted

Details tab, Personal Rules—Assignment Tracking

The date and time the customer is contacted.

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

First Contact

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The date and time of the initial contact with the insured.

You can use this status to set your Program Rules and Elapsed Time Rules.



The date and time that an inspection occurred. 

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

Site Inspected

Details tab

The date and time that an inspection occurred. 

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

Onsite Inspection

Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The date and time that an inspection occurred. 

Depending on your account settings, you update this status in the Details tab, or XactAnalysis updates it with information received from Xactimate.

*Target Start Date

Details tab, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The target date to start the estimate.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Target Completion Date

Details tab, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The date the estimate should be completed.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Job Started

Details tab, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

The date and time that the job started.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Job Completed

Details tab, Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

The date and time the job is completed.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Work Not Proceeding 

Details tab, Search  

This optional status informs both parties when the client or insured has refused the job. 

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Billing Pending

Details tab, Search  

Billing has not yet been sent to the client, but is being prepared to send.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Client Billed

Details tab, Search  

Billing is sent to the client.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Payment Received

Details tab, Search  

Payment is received.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Drying Started

Details tab, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules

Mitigation drying is started.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Drying Completed

Details tab, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules  

Mitigation drying is complete.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Invoiced / Not Yet Invoiced

Details tab  

This read-only status indicates if an invoice is added by an XactAnalysis SP user.

The invoice document is available in the Documents tab.


Details tab

A delay in the workflow process that means the assignment is not complete by the target completion date.

You update the delay reason as well as the start and finish dates in the Details tab in the assignment.

Construction Phase Plan Prepared

Details tab, Column Admin, Search

If applicable to the assignment, the date and time the Construction Phase Plan is prepared.

You update this status in the Details tab.


Payment Queue statuses

For more information see Payment Queue.

Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnlaysis are highly customisable. The definitions listed below may not be accurate for your company. Talk to your account administrator if you aren't sure what a status means for you.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update


Details tab, Advanced Search, Payment Queue filter, Update Status  

The insured was paid for the claim.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Paid on Site 

Details tab

The insured was paid by the adjuster or contractor on site.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Not Paid 

Details tab, Payment Queue filter

The insured was not paid for the claim.

You update this status in the Details tab.

Processor Assigned 

Advanced Search

The date and time a payment processor is assigned. 

You assign a payment processor using the Payment Queue Select an Action menu.

Payment Processor Assigned 

Details tab

The date and time a payment processor is assigned. 

You assign a payment processor using the Payment Queue Select an Action menu.


Payment Queue filter   

The date and time a payment processor is assigned. 

You assign a payment processor using the Payment Queue Select an Action menu.

Processor Accepted 

Advanced Search

The payment processor accepts the assignment.

XactAnalysis updates this status when the payment processor accepts the assignment. You can search for assignments with this status in Search and in the Payment Queue. 


Payment Queue filter   

The payment processor accepts the assignment.

XactAnalysis updates this status when the payment processor accepts the assignment. You can search for assignments with this status in Search and in the Payment Queue. 

Submitted for Payment 

Details tab  

Payment is requested.

You update this status in the Details tab after a processor has been assigned.

Submit for Payment 

Advanced Search, Payment Queue

Request payment.

You update this status in the Details tab after a processor has been assigned.


Payment Queue filter

Payment is requested.

You update this status in the Details tab after a processor has been assigned.

Payment Received 

Details tab, Advanced Search, Payment Queue  

Payment is requested.

You update this status in the Details tab.


Payment Queue filter  

Payment is rejected.

You search for assignments with this status in the Payment Queue Filter.


Advanced Search  

The payment has not been processed. 

You search for assignments with this status in Advanced Search.


Denial statuses

Denial statuses appear in the Workflow section of the Details tab. You can also search on them in Advanced Search. Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnalysis are highly customisable. The definitions listed below may not be accurate for your company. Talk to your account administrator if you aren't sure what a status means for you.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

*Covered Loss 

Details tab, Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Payment Queue filter

The assignment is approved as a covered loss.

XactAnalysis updates this status with information received from Xactimate.

*Partial Denial 

Details tab, Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Payment Queue filter

The assignment is partially denied.

You update this status in the Details tab.


Details tab, Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Payment Queue filter

The assignment is denied.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Non Denial Letter 

Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Payment Queue filter

A non denial letter is received from Xactimate.

XactAnalysis updates this status with information received from Xactimate.


Approval statuses

Approval statuses are seen in Advanced Search, the Estimate Review Queue, and the Details tab under the Approval Status heading. They can also be set up as triggers for Personal and Program Rules. Because workflows can vary from company to company and from team to team, the statuses in XactAnalysis are highly customisable. The definitions listed below may not be accurate for your company. Talk to your account administrator if you aren't sure what a status means for you.


Location of status in XactAnalysis


How to update

*QA Not Yet Approved 

Advanced Search

The estimate has not yet been marked QA approved.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Not Yet Appr. 

Details tab   

The estimate has not yet been marked QA approved.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*QA Approved 

Details tab, Advanced Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time a quality assurance team member approves the assignment.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Assignment is QA Approved 

Personal Rule—Assignment Tracking

The date and time a quality assurance team member approves the assignment.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*QA Rejected 

Details tab, Advanced Search, Estimate Review Queue filter, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time a quality assurance team member rejects the assignment.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Assignment is QA Rejected 

Personal Rule—Assignment Tracking

The date and time a quality assurance team member rejects the assignment.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Client Not Yet Approved 

Details tab, Advanced Search  

The estimate has not yet been marked Client Approved.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Client Approved 

Details tab, Advanced Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the client approved the estimate.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Assignment is Client Approved 

Personal Rule—Assignment Tracking  

The assignment is approved by the client.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Client Rejected 

Details tab, Advanced Search, Program Rules, Elapsed Time Rules, Estimate Review Queue Rules

The date and time the assignment is rejected by the client.

You update this status in the Details tab.

*Assignment is Client Rejected 

Personal Rule—Assignment Tracking  

You can set up a personal rule to notify you when a client rejects an assignment.

You update this status in the Details tab.




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